I've missed being part of the blogging community so much. Life has been a bit chaotic these past months. Between moving, going back to school (it's a loooooong story that centers on my oft-mentioned poor life choice of going to graduate school), planning a wedding, and working, my poor little blog fell to the wayside. Life is slowly starting to approximate some semblance of equilibrium, though, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to get back in the habit of posting on here regularly.
I thought a fun way to return to the blogosphere would be to share some of our engagement photos! Mr. CP and I moved back to Colorado, my home state, over the summer, where my beautifully talented childhood friend
Chelsea is a photographer. Our engagement photos were, therefore, doubly meaningful: they provided us the opportunity to capture our general goofiness in the presence of one of my oldest friends. It also just so happens that Chelsea is offensively talented. Just look at these photos!